Is Vinyl Siding Installation in Downriver Michigan a DIY Project?
With so many people spending so much time at home now there are many home owners who spend their time doing home improvement projects. A do it yourself project is a great way to add value to your home and make it more to your liking. However, with some home improvement projects it’s simply not a good idea to attempt the DIY route. One of those projects is vinyl siding installation in Downriver Michigan. We’ve included some of the reasons why it’s not a good DIY project in this post.
Is Vinyl Siding Installation in Downriver Michigan a DIY Project?
If you’re like me and have a bit of OCD then the image of the siding on this post screams at you. Imagine having that on your home and seeing it each day when you come home. While it’s a small problem that doesn’t seem to line up at the seam it may not seem like much but it’s just a simple problem that you may have if you decide to do it yourself on a vinyl siding project. The problem is that most home owners won’t even notice it until the siding is fully installed and then it may take a bit of time. But once you see it, it will stand out like a sore thumb each time you see your home. This is just one of the problems associated with a do it yourself project when it comes to your home siding. Here are a few more things you’ll need to consider before you take on this project as a DIY project:
Getting Materials Right
There are many different brands and manufacturers for vinyl siding today. Since vinyl siding is one of the most popular and economical siding choice, many manufacturers also offer loads of different styles and colors to match almost anyone’s test. But something you may not hear much about is the quality and thickness of the siding. Higher quality siding will be much better for your home but usually comes at a higher price point. Features such as UV protection and grain finishes are sometimes overlooked when selecting siding without the help of someone more experienced. You likely won’t have much knowledge about the needs for your specific home or area. How much sunlight each side of the home receives is just one example.
Warranty of Materials
Some of the more popular siding manufacturers offer great warranties on the siding that is available. The problem you may have however is that there may be limits and special provisions on that warranty that state the siding must be installed by a licensed contractor. Not only that but you may learn that the siding is not under warranty after it’s installed. But just because that isn’t stated in the warranty doesn’t mean you warranty can’t be voided. If the siding was not properly installed, no matter who installed it, the warranty may become void deemed by the manufacturer. It’s always best to hire a siding contractor with experience and qualifications to keep the warranty in tact.
Installation, Insulation Concerns, and Energy Efficiency
Some of the siding products sold today have better energy efficiency. Taking advantage of this better siding choice can save you money on energy costs for years to come. But even with energy efficient siding you’ll still need to install it correctly. One of the biggest problems with vinyl siding installation by amateur’s is improper installation. Most of these improper installations are not obvious after the siding is installed. For instance, improper nailing of the vinyl siding may not show up until a few months later when the temperatures change and then the siding will look horrible. For energy efficient siding you may even see higher energy costs if the siding was not installed correctly. It’s simply not worth the risk of attempt a do it yourself project with siding installation.
Specialty Tools for Siding and Trim
Some of the siding installation tools needed are specialty tools and will need to be purchased or rented specifically for vinyl siding installation. If you need to purchase these tools then you likely won’t save much money by doing a siding project as a DIY project.
Experience is Always a Plus
Having a contractor that has years of experience installing siding in the local area is a must. At All Point Construction they can install your vinyl siding affordably and make sure it’s done right. They have workmanship warranties with all their work and they provide free estimates so you know just what the entire project will cost. Call them today at (734) 407-7110 for more details and a free quote.
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