How To Tell If Your Home Needs New Siding in Downriver Michigan
The siding of your home plays a crucial role in keeping the elements, as well as pests, out of your home. But your home’s siding sadly will not last forever. If you are wondering whether or not it is time to replace you siding, there are a few important signs to look out for. Replacing your home’s siding can benefit you in many ways. The home will look better, be more valuable, and have increased energy efficiency. So if your old siding is failing, don’t fret as getting new siding in Downriver Michigan does have many advantages.
How To Tell If Your Home Needs New Siding in Downriver Michigan
Determining your siding is failing will sometimes take a professional with years of experience. However, there are some conditions that may be present on the siding which are noticeable even to an untrained eye. We’ll go over some of the things you should look for on your home’s siding below. And if you notice any of these problems be sure to call a certified siding installation contractor in Downriver Michigan right away. Allowing more water damage to your home will be quite costly to repair and can be avoided in some cases.
Visible Damage
The most obvious sign that you need to replace your siding is if there is visible damage. Impacts from hail and debris can lead to cracks or holes where moisture and pests can get in. Nearby greenery can also rub on the siding, causing repeated scratches that can gradually turn into holes. While dings or scratches aren’t a huge issue, but rather a cosmetic problem, they will need to be watched to make sure that they don’t get any worse. You should also trim trees and shrubbery nearby to cut down on the possibility of this damage.
Loose Siding
Your siding needs to be properly installed to keep out moisture. But if your siding is loose it can allow enough space to let the moisture in, Siding can also loosen over time as strong winds jostle the material around.
Rot is typically caused by continuous exposure to moisture over time and more often than not will be on softer siding materials like wood. When rot occurs it mans that the siding is no longer structurally sound and can be compromised to allow moisture and pests in. The spots with rot will be soft and easy to push in. You can also have dry rot that can ruin the underlayer of you siding. Once rot has started there is no way to fix it and will require you to replace the siding and anything underneath that has been effected.
Paint or Wallpaper Peeling
When your siding is not functioning as it should it can allow moisture into your home. As that moisture collects it can seep further into the interior of your home. A clear sign that moisture has made its way into your home is through peeling wallpaper or paint. The moisture impacts the adhesiveness and makes it impossible for wallpaper to stick to the wet walls. Paint peels because it lays flat on the wall and as moisture comes through it can change the way the wall is shaped. As this shape change occurs you can see the paint first cracking and then peeling over time. The rest of the home should be checked to look for any other spots where this peeling is occurring. You should check your siding as well as pipes in that area and your roof to make sure there aren’t a combination of causes.
Mildew, Mold or Fungus
As the moisture gets into your home there is nowhere for it to go to dry out. As this moisture sits it can turn into mold, mildew and fungus. This is very harmful both to your home and to your health. Mold can quickly spread throughout your home and to your belongings. Everything with mold must be thoroughly treated or completely removed, depending on what the mold has infected. The mold spores get into the air and can cause respiratory illnesses.
What Shape is Your Home’s Siding In?
Have you looked at your home’s siding lately? If you notice any of the problems listed above on your Downriver Michigan home be sure to call a local home improvement contractor such as All Point Construction. They can inspect your home’s siding and replace or repair it as well. Plus, they offer free estimates! Call today at 734-407-7110 for details.
5 Tips for Maintaining Your Wood Siding in Ann Arbor Michigan
Wood Siding September 27, 2017