Choosing The Right Color For Your Vinyl Siding in Plymouth Michigan
When choosing siding for your home, the first choice is obviously the material. Vinyl siding in Plymouth Michigan is an obvious choice because of its versatility and durability. But another great reason to go with vinyl is because of the color options. It is important to make sure that you consider the color of your siding and how it will affect your home’s overall aesthetic. Your home’s siding color can be the difference between a warm and inviting home, and a place people avoid passing. To make sure you choose the right color for your home, you need to consider certain factors.
Choosing The Right Color For Your Vinyl Siding in Plymouth Michigan
There are many different choices when it comes to the siding on your home. While there are many choices for siding including wood and fiber cement that are both popular, neither of those siding choices is as popular as vinyl siding. Vinyl siding continues to be one of the best materials when it comes to siding in Plymouth Michigan. And since vinyl siding is so popular there are many different manufacturers today. There are many different styles and colors when it comes to siding. Making the right choice when it comes to the color of your home’s siding is very important and can have a huge impact on curb appeal and the value of your home. Here are some tips to help you choose the best color vinyl siding for your home in Canton Michigan.
From Tudor to Victorian, there are many different styles of homes and each have their own elements that make them unique from the others. For example, Tudor homes are known for their mix of brick and siding. When going with vinyl you can save some money and maintain the style by going with vinyl printed to look like brick. This will not affect the effectiveness of the siding, but will help keep that classic look. Victorian homes are known for many different details like turrets and balconies to create a very large and stunning home. Colors are also key for showing off all the different elements of a Victorian. Make sure your colors stand out, but also match to make it look its best.
Siding Installation Style
If you want to get creative with your siding you can also mix up the installation. The most common way to install siding is horizontally. But you can also consider going with board and batten, shingle or shake siding to create more interesting designs. You can also mix and match the styles for a more textured look. Make sure that the colors you choose will enhance these styles, rather than hiding them.
House Size
It is a good rule of thumb to avoid very dark colors on multiple story homes. The taller your home is, the more looming it will look. Avoid making your home look like a haunted house by choosing lighter colors. Single story homes can use any color.
Whether you live in a cul-de-sac, or in the middle of the woods, your home’s surroundings can impact how the color of your siding looks on your home. For example, if you live in a neighborhood with cookie cutter houses, you may want to shake it up and go with something different for your home. But if you go too bold, your home can stand out, and not in a good way. If you live in the middle of nowhere, you can either opt to camouflage your home by making it blend in with the colors around you, or make it compliment the environment.
Your roof makes up a large part of your home and should not be forgotten when choosing siding. The color of your roof and the color of your siding should compliment each other and work together to create greater curb appeal.
Shudders, shrubbery, doors and décor all should be considered in choosing your siding. You want everything to compliment one another and avoid washing things out or making anything stand out too much.
Get a Free Consultation
It’s always best to talk with a siding contractor about what may be best for your home. For homeowners in Plymouth Michigan the best contractor to use will be Home Pros Plymouth. They are fully licensed and qualified and offers free consultations on siding projects. Call them today to discuss your project at 734-548-9911.
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